FACT Group

Western Wisconsin Tobacco-Free Alliance works hard to educate youth on the dangers of tobacco use. One way we do this is through our local FACT group.

FACT was started by 300 Wisconsin teens in 2001. Now, more than 3,000 FACT members and 30 groups spread the truth about commercial tobacco throughout our state. That’s 3,000 teens just like you, leaders who saw the harm tobacco can do and decided to take a stand.

Our FACT members don’t just talk about change they make it happen. FACT is a way for teens to educate their peers, communities and local leaders on the dangerous of tobacco use. They initiate change through peer-to-peer advocacy, media outreach and talking to Wisconsin leaders.

To learn more about the FACT movement, click the link below!


Want to join your local tobacco prevention movement? Become a member of our Alliance today.